

noun gut·ter \ˈgə-tər\

: a long, hollow device that is attached to the edges of a roof to catch rain and carry it away from a building

: a low area at the side of a road that is used to catch water and carry it away from the road

: a long, narrow low section along the sides of a bowling lane

Full Definition of GUTTER

a :  a trough along the eaves to catch and carry off rainwater
b :  a low area (as at the edge of a street) to carry off surface water (as to a sewer)
c :  a trough or groove to catch and direct something <the gutters of a bowling alley>
:  a white space formed by the adjoining inside margins of two facing pages (as of a book)
:  the lowest or most vulgar level or condition of human life

Origin of GUTTER

Middle English goter, from Anglo-French gutere, goter, from gute drop, from Latin gutta
First Known Use: 14th century

Other Building Terms

batten, cistern, hearth, lath, transom, wainscot



Definition of GUTTER

transitive verb
:  to cut or wear gutters in
:  to provide with a gutter
intransitive verb
a :  to flow in rivulets
b of a candle :  to melt away through a channel out of the side of the cup hollowed out by the burning wick
:  to incline downward in a draft <the candle flame guttering>

First Known Use of GUTTER

14th century



: of the worst kind : offensive or immoral

Full Definition of GUTTER

:  of, relating to, or characteristic of the gutter; especially :  marked by extreme vulgarity, cheapness, or indecency <gutter politics>

First Known Use of GUTTER

15th century
GUTTER[1] Defined for Kids


noun gut·ter \ˈgə-tər\

Definition of GUTTER for Kids

:  a trough along the eaves of a house to catch and carry off water
:  a low area (as at the side of a road) to carry off surface water
Medical Dictionary


noun gut·ter \ˈgət-ər\

Medical Definition of GUTTER

:  a depressed furrow between body parts (as on the surface between a pair of adjacent ribs or in the dorsal wall of the body cavity on either side of the spinal column)


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